In our latest Annual Member Survey, organizations overwhelmingly listed workforce issues as the number one challenge they are facing. At a recent Public Policy Luncheon on the workforce, Jonathan Guarine from the NC Department of Commerce Labor & Economic Analysis Division shared there are currently 1.1 jobseekers per open position in Union County and the surrounding area. That’s making for one of the tightest labor markets in decades.
Workforce is a core tenant of our Legislative Agenda, which states the Chamber supports policies, programs, and initiatives that provide a trained, available workforce for all business and industries including future expansion in Union County.
2024 Union County Job Fair
Our efforts to support the workforce include participating in the annual Union County Job Fair. Each spring, YOUR Chamber teams up with strategic partners including South Piedmont Community College, UCPS, NC Works, and Centralina Workforce Development Board for the Job Fair.
This year, it was held April 30 at the Union County Agricultural Center, and it was the biggest Job Fair in recent history. Over 530 jobseekers attended with the opportunity to interact with 83 employers from across the county. Several organizations held interviews on the spot.
Additional Support
Along with employers looking to hire, several community partners were present to offer wrap around support for job seekers. Our Future in UNiSON had information to help those with barriers to employment, including information on transportation and daycare options. UCHRA, the local SHRM chapter, had a table to help job seekers with resume tips.
Melissa Garcia, Financial Center Manager II at Allegacy Federal Credit Union in Indian Trail, partnered with McCollum Staffing at a booth. Along with sharing about open positions at the credit union, Allegacy shared how they can help job seekers financially. “It was an amazing experience, the building was packed and everyone who was there was given so many opportunities to help their current situation.”
“We are proud to work with our strategic partners on the annual Union County Job Fair. We want to thank the City of Monroe’s DEI Committee for their work in raising awareness of the Job Fair. Supporting and growing a talent pipeline is one of the most important services the Chamber can offer to our members and the community.”
Last modified: June 5, 2024