The Public Policy Program exists to create a business-friendly environment in our community through advocacy, education, and leadership. The Public Policy Committee was busy in the second quarter of 2022, gathering and disseminating information on legislative that affects businesses.
Legislative Agenda Videos
Advocacy consultant Brian Francis has been providing weekly updates on the North Carolina General Assembly session. He explained the difference between the short and long session, including some of the rules and limitations for the short session. He also provided details on several high-profile bills moving through the GA, including ones related to Healthcare, Broadband, sales tax, and regulation for Small Businesses and S Corps.
Chamber members have exclusive access to these recap and update videos.
Public Policy Luncheons
The Public Policy Committee also helped facilitate a presentation and small group discussions on the Chamber’s Legislative Agenda in April. Senator Todd Johnson and Representatives Dean Arp and David Willis were part of the roundtable discussions around policies impacting our businesses. The event provided a wealth of information for the Public Policy Committee to consider, including a follow-up meeting with local municipality staff and elected officials to better understand how North Carolina legislation affects local policy.
In May, Deputy County Manager Michelle Lancaster presented on progress of the County’s 2050 Comprehensive Plan. Six Committees have been meeting since January to develop suggestions to implement the goals of the plan. The Committees are:
Broadband Internet Committee
Cluster Standards Committee
Litter Task Force
Open Space in Rural Areas Committee
School Siting Committee
Stormwater Committee.
Last modified: December 19, 2022